Have you always wanted to have a home gym set up but just don't have the space? No need to order a bunch of equipment and clutter your home just so you can workout. Honestly, you can get stronger and build your endurance with just your own body weight. However, I do suggest a few basic items for more efficient results.
1. A mat
2. Hand weights
Having these few pieces will keep your space open. When you're done with your workout, roll up your mat and tuck away the weights and bands in a closet or under a bed or couch. You can set up in your living room, bedroom, patio, or wherever because it's so minimal and easy to move around. There are many clients in the LR Grace app working out with minimal equipment making great progress and getting stronger right at home.

The resistance bands are great for a killer outdoor workout, and of course to take with you while traveling. They fit right into your bag and take up minimal space, and you can stay right on track with your workouts while away. If you don't have space for full set, just pack one band. Simple.
Whatever else surrounds your workout space is up to you. Make it your own and make sure you love it so you want to keep coming back to that space.
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Laura R Keller is an Elite Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, holding 13 years of experience in the health and wellness world. She started LR Grace Lifestyle to bring her fitness and lifestyle philosophy to anyone, anywhere, anytime. With clients coast-to-coast, Keller uses her website and the LR Grace Lifestyle app to connect and deliver personalized workouts, yoga, sustainable lifestyle tips, and healthy, fresh recipes. Using a digitally based business model, she is able to both curate an encouraging community while keeping her clients accountable for real and measurable results. Wellness summits and retreats will continue to be a part of the LR Grace Lifestyle brand, stay tuned for the next announcement.